Christopher Marshall

Chris started his career in IT in 1988 when he started Marshall Resources Technical Support Center, Inc. His modest service company that began with managing an orphaned system of servers grew and morphed over the years to a multi-million dollar enterprise that now spans 4 continents. As a natural problem solver, Chris has managed to navigate the myriad challenges of this ever-changing industry with wild success. But at his core he has always wanted to be involved with working on the land. This is what retirement looks like for a Canadian with boundless energy.
Moira Smullen

Moira has been in the wine industry since 2013 as an importer and distributor. This career switch came after living a year in France with her family. Upon returning to the US she realized that sharing her love for old world wines – and in particular affordable old world wines – was a calling she couldn’t unhear. So, armed with enthusiasm and ignorance she jumped into the proverbial fire. After ten years on the seller side of the equation she is now thrilled to be on the producer side, allowing her to focus all her
energy and passion on creating exquisite wines to share with the world.
Patrick Lambert

Chef d’Entreprise
Patrick has spent decades working as a winemaker and viticulturalist, intently studying the terroir, cycles, trends and moods of our corner of Chinon. A steadfast advocate of the “wine is made in the vineyard” school of though, Patrick is teaching us the art on non-intervention. The extraordinary Cabernet Franc that emerges from our vines every year is a product of Patrick’s dedication, skill and extraordinary talent.
Sylvain Vatel

Chef des Vignes
Sylvain joined the domaine in early 2024 and has since shown his own incredible dedication and talent in the vines. Having worked in the local wine industry for the past decade, he is undaunted by even the most challenging of weather condition. His meticulous attention to care and maintenance of our vineyards has shown itself in the focus and clarity of our wines.