This is a question I am asking myself more and more.
It’s an attempt to short circuit my negative thinking. And yes, I know it’s been said time and time again, but it merits mentioning again. (Repetition penetrates even the thickest of skulls I hear. Like my own.) Instead of viewing any given situation that is not going exactly my way – which I will add is a cruel dose of medicine from the universe along the lines of “why me???” – I am making a serious effort to stare dispassionately into the face of my current challenge and look for the lesson. I recently had a session with a woman whom I greatly respect and admire and among the many things we discussed was the need to honor our own individual evolution. And that means examining our patterns, acknowledging how we used to (unsuccessfully) handle situations and being grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. It’s not a matter of dismissing the younger self as stupid and inept but giving Young Me a nod of thanks for trying.
And continuing to try.
And hopefully someday getting it right…